(cameraman and editor ZEKE ANDERS)
won a Remi-Award - Houston International Film Festival 2007
"Zeke was totally professional from his cameraman work, vision and the ability to get to my core making every scene touch the emotional levels of someone that has a love for the true art of bodybuilding." - Robby Robinson
ZEKE ANDERS is that 1 of a kind talented cinematographer. For 6 -months I observed from afar this calm, spiritual field of energy, conscious of the world around him but into his craft WITH AN INTENSITY, FOCUS, AND DRIVE.
After much debate before introducing myself., being a very reclusive person and respect others boundaries, I approached him.
He told me he worked in the movie business and that he was shooting a fitness program for television.
After giving it some thought, I asked him if he would shoot and edit my DVD. We reached an agreement and the rest is history - BUILT won a Remi-Award at the Houston Film Festival in 2007.
Zeke was totally professional from his cameraman work, vision and the ability to get to my core making every scene touch the emotional levels of someone that has a love for the true art of bodybuilding.
Thanks, Zeke.
Peace, Robby
1. What encouraged you to become a director?
It was in high school where I found my calling to become a filmmaker. I was fortunate to have been part of a video / film program that was revered as being the 'best in the nation'.
That was my film school. I was allowed free-range to experiment and express different techniques and styles. And as a result, received many national student awards including top accolades from The New York Nationals and The L.A. Student International Film / Video Festival.
I've always been a "visual" person - interested in illustration, photography so naturally, I was drawn to the moving-image of filmmaking at an early age.
2. What gives you a sense of happiness in your work and life.
There is no other feeling than the sense of accomplishment. From start to finish - whether it's a short project taking only a few months or a labor of love that might take years to complete - knowing that I finish what I start is very satisfying.
Filmmaking is such a communal process - it takes many people to make a film and when finished, it's to be a shared experience. Sharing those moments are what gives me happiness in my work and life.
3. You did and excellent job on the RR ''The Black Prince dvd ''BUILT''
Thank you. Again, filmmaking is such a collaborative process. We all did an excellent job - and it was an absolute pleasure to work with you.
4. Were you surprised BUILT won a ''Remi award" at the Houston Film Festival?
Yes. I was pleasantly surprised but not in the sense that we shouldn't have deserved this. I know that BUILT is good. It has real heart. But it's always a bonus when other people recognize our efforts. Robby has such a great story thru-line in BUILT, that no matter who watches, it inspires.
5. Do you enjoy your work?
I love what I do and do what I love. This doesn't mean that I love everything I've done, but every new project is a learning experience. I think of myself as a student filmmaker for life because I don't pretend to know everything. Looking back on my work, I can see the mistakes, poor decisions or just plain bad direction. But that's where I learn to not make the same mistake twice. Filmmaking is a lot like trial and error.... practice makes perfect. Keep at it, eventually you'll get it right.
6. What other hobbies do you enjoy?
I really enjoy music - listening and playing. I learned the piano at a very early age and really became to love the "therapy" it offers. It's a great release. I also enjoy photography, writing and traveling. And of course, watching movies! The best thing is I'm able to apply my hobbies to my filmmaking.
7. Built touched me emotionally the first time viewed, got this reply from several clients that order the dvd. Where do you pull your magic from?
I love how BUILT has touched you and others. That really is the magic of BUILT. I wish I could take credit for that, but can't. I think where the magic comes from is the collaboration of everyone involved. Our hearts were in the right place when we made this film and it definitely shows.
9. Your camera perfection was excellent, Robby made this statement- the next great director . How long have you and Mary been a team in directing and writing?
Mary and I have worked as a team for eleven years. It's a great partnership because what I lack, she excels and vice-versa. She keeps me in check and she is my second pair of eyes. We can anticipate each other's thoughts and double check the details. I wouldn't want it any other way.